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Help Belize Foundation is a  non-profit organization whose main focus is to defeat poverty in Belize, Central America. Many people do not know about the need for help in Belize, much less where it is located. Help Belize Foundation  was started by Marilyn Garnett  in 2006 as a simple gesture of  love to make sure that no child in Belize would go without a toy for Christmas. From her numerous trips to Belize she began to notice that the needs of the children were far greater than she could have ever imagined. This was especially evident  when she visited Belize in 2008 along  with her son (Marlon Garnett) . From that point they knew they had to do something to make a difference in the lives of  the Belizean children.It was at this time the decision was made to start a Foundation where this can be accomplished. Help Belize Foundation has since evolved into a full-fledge humanitarian driven, non-profit organization focused on alleviating poverty in Belize by providing the children  with educational and medical supplies, clothing, food and  shelter, etc.


Our need for help continues to grow daily with unemployment spiraling out of control, urban areas filled with gangs and drugs and the crime rate growing steadily everyday. The struggle continues to grow everyday,  which is why Help Belize Foundation has decided to become the eyes and ears for the children of Belize here in America and around the world. It is our hope that our efforts will give the people of Belize a sense of dignity and hope, as well as provide the skills to one day become self-sufficient, which will subsequently enable them to someday help another person in need, hence the concept of paying it forward. 



With your help and dedication we are now able to make an immediate impact, working alongside existing organizations in Belize. We believe this is the best way to reach out to many different people in highly affected areas. We welcome anyone to join us in this journey to help to defeat poverty in Belize.  Help Belize Foundation is based in Las Vegas, Nevada USA. Our staff of volunteers both in the United States and Belize continue to grow, with individuals from all races, ages and backgrounds . So join us on in our journey to help the children of  Belize, as some of them  lack just the basic essentials such as food, water, clothing, shelter, education and medical supplies, things we sometime take for granted. We ask you today to assist us as we take back the streets of Belize for the children, giving them hope for a brighter day and a better tomorrow.

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Contact Us

Tel: 702-490-0990


1000 N. Martin Luther King Blvd Ste A

Las Vegas, NV 89106

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